A Ph.D. student interested in applying integrated population models to small-scale fisheries in the Brazilian Amazon is sought. The position is hosted in the Department of Fish & Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech, and the student will be co-advised by H. Kindsvater and L. Castello. The candidate must have a M.S. and a background in population ecology or experience fitting state-space models. This is part of a larger project on socio-ecological dynamics of the arapaima fishery. Applications from diverse students with interests in combining statistics and programming with interdisciplinary work (including policy and outreach) are encouraged. Graduate student tuition and stipend at Virginia Tech will be fully funded with a combination of grants and teaching assistantships. Note the Department has rolling admissions, meaning there are no formal application deadlines. The GRE is not required for admission to our graduate program, but completion of a Master’s degree is required for admission to the PhD program. Learn more about the project here.