A highly qualified and motivated candidate is sought to develop a PhD study on the broad topic of fish and fisheries ecology, genetics, and conservation in the Jurua River in the Brazilian Amazon…
PhD Graduate position in population ecology–FILLED
A highly qualified and motivated candidate is sought to develop a PhD study on the broad topic of fish and fisheries ecology, genetics, and conservation in the Jurua River in the Brazilian Amazon…
PhD Graduate position on the socio-ecology of provisioning fisheries in the Great Lakes — position filled
A highly qualified and motivated candidate is sought to develop a PhD study on the broad topic of fish and fisheries ecology, genetics, and conservation in the Jurua River in the Brazilian Amazon…
Five PhD Graduate Student positions on the social-ecological dynamics of fisheries
A highly qualified and motivated candidate is sought to develop a PhD study on the broad topic of fish and fisheries ecology, genetics, and conservation in the Jurua River in the Brazilian Amazon…
SYNERGIZE – SYNthesising Ecological Responses to deGradation In amaZonian Environments

SYNERGIZE means to “interact or cooperate with one or more other agents to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of effects achieved separately”. This newly project funded by Brazil’s National Research Council aims to achieve this in an Amazonian context by fostering a multi- and trans-disciplinary network to understand how human-driven and climate-associated forest disturbances affect Amazonian aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. We will bring together researchers with complementary expertise and use modeling approaches of large multi-scale datasets pertaining to distinct Amazonian regions to synthesize knowledge and promote cost-effective and integrative solutions for landscape management, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem recovery. This project is led by Joice Ferreira from Embrapa, the largest state-owned research corporation in Brazil; more information can be found here.
Ph.D. Assistantship available for 2020–FILLED
A highly qualified and motivated candidate is sought to develop a PhD study on the broad topic of fish and fisheries ecology, genetics, and conservation in the Jurua River in the Brazilian Amazon…