
Researchers Complete Successful Tagging Expedition to Study Arapaima Habitat and Migration

A new arapaima migration and habitat study is now underway in the Piagaçu-Purus Sustainable Development Reserve in Amazonas, Brazil. A team of researchers from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg, Virginia), Carleton University (Ontario, Canada) and Instituto Piagaçu (Manaus, Brazil) collaborated in the first-ever tagging effort in the reserve in early November. The overall goal of the project is to understand the movement of arapaima and details of their preferred habitat to improve fisheries management and conservation.

Photo Credit: Dan Gurdak
Photo Credit: Dan Gurdak

“Understanding seasonal migration patterns of arapaima will allow fishers and managers in the region to better assess their populations as they set harvest quotas,” remarks Dr. Leandro Castello, Assistant Professor in Virginia Tech’s Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

The team waited until the dry season to tag the fish, allowing them to more easily capture fish when water levels were at their lowest of the year. This is also the same time that the local fishermen harvest their calculated quota of fish from the areas inside the reserve.

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Photo Credit: Dan Gurdak

Researchers partnered with more than a dozen local fishermen to capture and surgically implant radio and acoustic transmitters (tags) in 49 arapaima over the course of one week. The acoustic tags wirelessly communicate with receivers placed underwater to collect data. Similarly, the radio tags transmit frequencies that are detected using a handheld VHF receiver. The information provided by tags and receivers allows scientists to detect the location of the fish and study where they move. This is the first study of arapaima movement to combine acoustic and radio telemetry technologies.

“We have an amazing team of dedicated researchers and great support from the local communities, which makes this a really exciting project to be a part of.” says Gretchen Stokes, a Master’s Student in Virginia Tech’s Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. “I know that what we find will better inform local conservation decisions for this iconic species.”

Photo Credit: Eduardo Martins
Photo Credit: Eduardo Martins

Stokes will join biologist Thiago Petersen and their local field assistant next year to track arapaima movement using radio telemetry. The study extends through November 2015.

This project was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Instituto Piagaçu and the invaluable assistance of the fishermen who provided local knowledge and expertise while working tirelessly throughout the expedition.

To read more:



Photo Credit: Eduardo Martins
Photo Credit: Eduardo Martins
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Understanding fishing-induced extinctions in the Amazon

NEW PUBLICATION Science and policy worldwide are influenced by predictions from bioeconomic theory that fishing cannot lead fish populations to extinction because fishing effort inevitably moves away from depleted resources. Yet such predictions contradict evidence of fishing-induced extinctions and in particular a model, called ‘fishing-down’, that explains historical reductions in mean size of harvested species […]

cattle in southern mato grosso

Slowing Amazon deforestation through public policy and interventions in beef and soy supply chains


A variety of factors led to the sharp drop in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon forest since 2004.

The recent 70% decline in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon suggests that it is possible to manage the advance of a vast agricultural frontier. Enforcement of laws, interventions in soy and beef supply chains, restrictions on access to credit, and expansion of protected areas appear to have contributed to this decline, as did a decline in the demand for new deforestation. The supply chain interventions that fed into this deceleration are precariously dependent on corporate risk management, and public policies have relied excessively on punitive measures. Systems for delivering positive incentives for farmers to forego deforestation have been designed but not implemented. Territorial approaches to deforestation have been effective and could consolidate progress in slowing deforestation while providing a framework for addressing other important dimensions of sustainable development.

cattle in southern mato grossoAuthors: Daniel Nepstad, David McGrath, Claudia Stickler, Ane Alencar, Andrea Azevedo, Briana Swette, Tathiana Bezerra, Maria DiGiano, João Shimada, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Eric Armijo, Leandro Castello, Paulo Brando, Matt Hansen, Max McGrath-Horn, Oswaldo Carvalho, Laura Hess.

Publication: Science 344,1118-1123 (2014).

Press Release: VT News



Understanding the migration of Arapaima in ria lake ecosystems of the Amazon Basin

Newpira1NEW PROJECT: Management of commercially important fish populations requires understanding of fish population dynamics.  As such, ongoing development of management efforts for Arapaima spp.—a widely overexploited fish species of the Amazon Basin—must be based on adequate scientific understanding of their biology and ecology.  Previous studies have described the migration of arapaima in floodplain ecosystems of the Amazon.  Many upland lakes, called ria lakes, which are surrounded by dry land, have populations of arapaima that are commercially exploited.  In some cases, these lakes are connected to floodplain ecosystems, allowing for fish migration between these ecosystems.  Many fishing communities inhabiting ria lakes of the Amazon are currently seeking to develop management systems for arapaima.  However, lack of understanding of the migration of arapaima in ria lakes makes it difficult to devise effective management actions.  The objective of the present study is to unravel the migratory behavior of arapaima in a ria lake of the Amazon.

The study will be conducted in the Piagaçu-Purus Sustainable Development Reserve, located in the lower Purus River, Amazon Basin, Brazil.  The study will be based on the use of telemetry technology.  It is funded by the Instituto Piagaçu, and it is done in close collaboration with Dr. Eduardo Martins of Carleton University and Dr. Jansen Zuanon of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia.

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New project featured in the news


In this NASA satellite image of leaf cover in South America, the red and purple colors indicate the Amazon forests

Virginia Tech News recently featured our research in the following article:

Blacksburg, April 2014 – Three extreme weather events in the Amazon Basin in the last decade are giving scientists an opportunity to make observations that will allow them to predict the impacts of climate change and deforestation on the most important ecological processes and ecosystem services of the Amazon River wetlands.

Scientists from Virginia Tech, the Woods Hole Research Center, and the University of California Santa Barbara, funded by NASA, are collaborating with Brazilian scientists to explore the ecosystem consequences of the extreme droughts of 2005 and 2010 and the extreme flood of 2009.

“The research fills an important gap in our understanding of the vulnerability of tropical river-forest systems to changes in climate and land cover,” said the project’s leader, Leandro Castello, assistant professor of fish and wildlife conservation in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment.

The huge study area encompasses 1.7 million square miles, the equivalent of half of the continental United States.

In addition to historical records and ground observations, the researchers will use newly available Earth System Data Records from NASA — satellite images of the Amazon and its tributaries over the complete high- and low-water cycles.

NASA is funding the study with a $1.53 million grant shared among the three agencies.

“Amazon floodplains and river channels — maintained by seasonal floods — promote nutrient cycling and high biological production, and support diverse biological communities as well as human populations with one of the highest per capita rates of fish consumption,” said Castello.

The researchers will look at how the natural seasonality of river levels influences aquatic and terrestrial grasses, fisheries, and forest productivity in the floodplains, and how extreme events such as floods and droughts may disturb this cycle.”

Read the full VT News article here.

Read more about this NASA-funded research project here.

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Impacts of dams on the integrity of Amazonian ecosystems

dams mapNEW PROJECT: Freshwater ecosystems in the Amazon are among the most biological diverse and productive in the world.  Current infrastructure development (e.g., hydroelectric dams) is altering the structure and function of these ecosystems. However, detailed ecological assessments of the impacts created by such dams on the integrity of these freshwater ecosystems are lacking.  With funding from WWF-Brasil, the project will assess the potential impacts of hydroelectric dams on the lateral and longitudinal connectivity of Amazon freshwater ecosystems.  Participants include Marcia N. Macedo (Woods Hole Research Center).

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Land and resource use on the Amazon floodplain under evolving management systems and environmental change

NEW PROJECT: An interdisciplinary project aiming to:

(i) measure historical human impacts on river-floodplains of the Amazon
(ii) quantify relations among fish, forests, grasslands, and human welfare, and
(iii) identify expected outcomes under simulated conditions of increased resource demand and climate change. 

nasa diagram

The project is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).  Participants include Laura L. Hess (University of California, Santa Barbara), David G. McGrath and Michael T. Coe (The Woods Hole Research Center), Victoria J. Isaac (the Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil), and Frank Merry and Greg Amacher (Virginia Tech).  Our lab contributes to this project by quantifying and modeling the influences of hydrological alteration and floodplain vegetation cover on fisheries productivity.  

Read more about this project.


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Mercury levels declining in Arctic Rivers

NEW PUBLICATION: A recent paper* published in Environmental Science and Technology suggests that mercury levels are declining in some Arctic rivers.

Abstract (2014)

Mercury (Hg) dynamics in the Arctic is receiving increasing attention, but further understanding is limited by a lack of studies in Russia, which encompasses the majority of the pan-Arctic watershed.


This study reports Hg concentrations and trends in burbot (Lota lota) from the Lena and Mezen Rivers in the Russian Arctic, and assesses the extent to which they differ from those found in burbot in arctic rivers elsewhere. Mercury concentrations in burbot in the Lena and Mezen Rivers were found to be generally lower than in 23 other locations, most of which are in the Mackenzie River Basin (Canada). Mercury concentrations in burbot in the Lena and Mezen Rivers also were found to have been declining at an annual rate of 2.3% while they have been increasing in the Mackenzie River Basin at annual rates between 2.2 and 5.1% during roughly the same time period. These contrasting patterns in Hg in burbot across the pan-Arctic may be explained by geographic heterogeneity in controlling processes, including riverine particulate material loads, historically changing atmospheric inputs, postdepositional processes, and climate change impacts.

*Castello, L., Zhulidov, A.V., Gurtovaya, T.Yu., Robarts, R.D., Lysenko, V.S., Holmes, R.M., Zhulidov, D.A., Spencer, R.G.M. 2014. Low and declining mercury in Arctic Russian Rivers. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 747−752. pdf

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M.S. Assistantship in Fisheries Ecology & Conservation

river system_smallerLAB NEWS: A qualified and motivated candidate is sought to investigate hydrological influences on the dynamics of commercially important fish populations in the Amazon Basin. The selected candidate will design and conduct a catch data analysis plan to investigate the following two main research questions: (1) how natural fluctuations in river water levels affect the population dynamics and associated fishery yields of a chosen species (e.g., Prochilodus nigricans, Colossoma macropomum); and (2) how water level fluctuations altered by climate change and construction of dams impact fishery yields and associated food security. The candidate will collaborate with project participants in Brazil, and prepare scientific reports for publication in peer-reviewed journals. This project is part of a multidisciplinary research grant awarded by NASA.

Anticipated start date is August 2014.

Click here for the complete position announcement.

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Amazon freshwater ecosystems vulnerable, despite protected areas


The hydrological connectivity of freshwater ecosystems in the Amazon basin makes them highly sensitive to a broad range of anthropogenic activities occurring in aquatic and terrestrial systems at local and distant locations. Amazon freshwater ecosystems are suffering escalating impacts caused by expansions in deforestation, pollution, construction of dams and waterways, and over-harvesting of animal and plant species. The natural functions of these ecosystems are changing, and their capacity to provide historically important goods and services is declining.

2013 Castello figure2_350Existing management policies–including national water resources legislation, community-based natural resource management schemes, and the protected area network that now epitomizes the Amazon conservation paradigm–cannot adequately curb most impacts. Such management strategies are intended to conserve terrestrial ecosystems, have design and implementation deficiencies, or fail to account for the hydrologic connectivity of freshwater ecosystems. There is an urgent need to shift the Amazon conservation paradigm, broadening its current forest-centric focus to encompass the freshwater ecosystems that are vital components of the basin. This is possible by developing a river catchment-based conservation framework for the whole basin that protects both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Castello, L., McGrath, D.G., Hess, L.L., Coe, M.T., Lefebvre, P.A., Petry, P., Macedo, M.N., Reno, V., Arantes, C.C. 2013.  The vulnerability of Amazon freshwater ecosystems.  Conservation Letters  6: 217–229. pdf

Woods Hole Research Center Press Release